Support For Individuals, Couples, and Families

Ready to begin your journey?

Children and Adolescent Outpatient Services

NHCR offers outpatient, and case management services to children and adolescents. Our goal is to ensure that children and adolescents have access to high quality mental health prevention, early intervention, treatment services, case management, and our integrated services. Our integrated services offers collaboration with families, caregivers, primary medical care, and school systems.

Individual, Couples, Family, and Group Therapy

NHCR provides “Outpatient Behavioral Health Services” are available for a wide variety of behavioral health conditions. In the outpatient setting, clients work with a trained clinician to develop or enhance skills that allows the individual to work towards a healthier lifestyle, while continuing to fulfill family, professional, and social obligations. Outpatient services include specialized group therapy, individual therapy, case management, and family support.  Outpatient programs can be accessed through our admission process.

Who Are We?

NHCR provides an array of mental/behavioral health services in the outpatient setting. NHCR’s continuum of care is such that services are individualized to meet the needs of each client. Our outpatient services include (but are not limited to) individual, group, and family counseling. Our services are confidential and provided by trained clinicians with a primary interest in promoting healthy lifestyles. Our staff are dedicated to assisting our clients overcome obstacles and move forward in recovery and wellness.

Adam Larkin - GITT APPAREL

“Gitt Apparel provides extremely comfortable high-quality clothing, inspiring people to do the most in life and encourages a healthy lifestyle.  Gitt stands for ‘Get in the truck!’  Gitt what you want out of life.  Gitt with the program or Gitt left behind.”  – Adam Larkin, CEO, Gitt Apparel.

Adam is also the Director of Community Outreach and a Social Media Consultant for New Hope Counseling and Recovery!

Adam, originally from Saratoga Springs, NY, is also a huge recovery Advovate having over 4 years of continuous sobriety himself, he is constantly helping other people still struggling with addiction, and has a passion for helping others! Adam now lives in South Eastern Kentucky when he isn’t traveling the country promoting GITT Apparel!

He is a paid social media influencer with almost 200k followers on Instagram and 60k on Facebook! Governor Andy Beshear recently made Adam a KY Colonel for all the great work he is doing in the community. Check out the links below and follow Adam as he travels constantly promoting GITT Apparel

Check Out the Social Media Links & Website

Getting Started Is Easy

Book An Appointment

Call us at (606) 594-7479 or click the button below to signup online.

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